1. Each student must bring their ID card.
  2. Each student must keep their phone silent in the lab and the class.
  3. Each student must submit the fee before the 10th of every month. After the date, a fine of ₹20 will be charged per day.
  4. Students without informed leave will be counted as skipped or suspended.
  5. If a student wants leave for 15 days or more, they must pay a fee of ₹250 as a breakup fee.
  6. If a student wants to upgrade or downgrade their course, they must submit a fee of ₹250 with an application.
  7. If a student fails in the exam, they must pay a fee of ₹250.
  8. If a student wants to recheck the exam, they must pay a fee of ₹250 with an application.
  9. If any student misbehaves with classmates, teachers, or staff, they will be suspended and legal action will be taken.
  10. Every student must be in a well-dressed uniform to maintain a good environment of the premises.